Delcia's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I intend to share with you anything interesting about Chakra Psychology - both my own journey and experiences and what is happening with my courses.

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  1. If you are anything like me you are longing to hug your friends and family members and you want to be able to go out and not have to be on the alert all the time.  But this is how it is and we don't know how long for.  I've been focussing on 'letting go' and really letting myself fully experience the lack of control and chronic uncertainty.

    Thank you to jonathon-lewczuk for the photo, courtesy Unsplash images‘ 


    I remember when I went white water rafting in New Zealand some years ago and during the training beforehand the guide told us that if we fall out of the raft and there’s no way of getting back in, just lay our paddle across our chest and let the rapids simply carry us, ie let go and let the river do the work.  I’ve always liked the phrase ‘don’t push the river’ and certainly at the moment we have no choice but to go with the flow.’  However, this doesn’t mean being passive and not doing anything to help ourselves and others.

    We can do our best to be as healthy in mind and body as possible, as well as keep being open to new possibilities in terms of creativity. 

    How can the Chakra system help?  They (the Chakras) give us a way into what is not yet conscious for us.  They are also a vehicle through which we can ‘hold’ painful and uncomfortable feelings so that we can move through them and not be controlled by them.

    It’s different for everyone but focussing on ‘letting go’ for me involved releasing an ache in my Heart Chakra and anxiety in my Solar Plexus Chakra.  I felt the tension in my shoulders and upper back start to dissolve and with that my breathing deepen.  Then a letting go happened in my belly – in my Sacral Chakra area and gradually I connected to each Chakra in turn, each of them giving me a way of ‘letting go’.  Try it – you might surprise yourself!


    Here’s a piece I channelled way back in 2002.  (The ‘I’ refers to the source of guidance).  It seems totally relevant for today.

                                            TO  LET  GO                   

    • To let go is to know that the ground beneath your feet continues to be there.
    • To let go is to feel the tension in the physical body drain away and yet still to feel very much that you are in a physical body.
    • To let go is to know that trust is the cement upon which life and relationships is based. 
    • To let go is to know that those who are close and dear to you share with you the deepest respect for life and love, and that in knowing this you can feel free to immerse yourself in all that you would wish for in your life. 
    • To let go is to know when it is the right time to hold on, and when it is the right time to hold still and to be contained.
    • To let go is to know that the divine godhead, however you experience this, is always holding you. 
    • To let go is to see your footprints in the sand knowing that the tide will come in and wash the prints away and you will be elsewhere making different footprints. The impressions that we make remain subtle in a long lasting way, but are often invisible. 
    • To let go is to allow yourself to be invisible and yet to know that your presence is eternally here.
    • To let go is to trust your own mind and body - that it is here to support you, and give you the information that you need to know at any given time. 
    • To let go is to keep fear in its place knowing that you, as I always say, are unconditionally loved. 
    • To let go is to stop fighting the thoughts that come into the mind - thoughts that have no attachments but which torment and undermine you. 
    • To let go is to live in the present moment. And in this present moment I give you my blessings.

    © Delcia McNeil  - channelled guidance











  2. 23rd March 2020

    I 'channelled' this information, which is rather hard-hitting.  If you want to read it I suggest you see it in terms of 'collective chakras' rather than your own personal chakra system.  However, having said that I believe what is said relates to all of us.  The various levels of consciousness that each of the seven major chakras relate to are used as points of focus for what needs to change in human behaviour and attitudes.

    This is the corona virus speaking to:

    Root chakra

    We (the virus) have come to challenge your beliefs about survival.  You cannot survive if you consider yourselves more powerful than nature.  You are not.  We and others like us have existed in this biosphere for millennia.  You only arrived lately.  Micro-organisms can easily live without you and flourish.

    Sacral chakra

    We can tell you that it is no pleasure for me/us to make you suffer.  That is not what we want to do.  Rather we want to show you that you can have pleasure and nourishment without destroying the planet.  You can have balance and freedom of movement without constricting and destroying one another.  You can have peace through sharing the gifts that come with this planet you call home.  If it were truly your home you would take better care of it.

    Solar Plexus

    We am here to warn you.  Your ego is too big.  Your ego will destroy you.  You cannot have power over something of which you are but a product.  You came from the earth and you will return to the earth.  You are made of the same stuff as me.  You cannot have power over something that is bigger than you.


    You cannot control the outcome of your lives without Love being at the centre.  We know that by our presence here now, but Love is beginning to show itself.  The shadow is there too - the hearts that do not care, that are ignorant and lost.  We say goodbye to them.  We are sorry that people are suffering and that many innocent people must die.  We have to get this message over to you.  You cannot keep going on the path you have been.  You must embrace change, but that change must come from the heart.


    At the throat you may wonder about communications.  We sure are making you communicate with one another.  You may need to retreat, to withdraw, to even hide yourself away, but communicating you are certainly doing.  We have come at a time when the world systems have provided means through which you can network whilst isolating.  We demand your honesty and integrity.  We demand that you listen to the deepest values in your heart, that you communicate a message of reverence and respect for nature.

    Third Eye/Brow

    We know many of you are visionaries.  You see a different future, one of greater equality where what is prioritised is respect and dignity for all peoples whatever their creed, gender, colour and so on.  You are all part of nature and each one of you has a part to play, and is an essential thread in the network, an essential cog in the wheel.  We ask you to hold a vision of a future where humanity works with nature, not against it.


    Here we know that we have the role of making you stop and listen to the greater intelligence that exists in all of nature.  Your own intelligence must be connected with something greater than yourselves.  This planet belongs to every atom, every molecule, every cell of living forms.  Yes, you are a major one, but your systems are destroying the rest.  

    We value the fact that all is stopping.  There is a global pause.  Change of behaviour is being demanded.  Your chakra system holds you in physical survival at the root and in touch with a wider, spiritual context at the crown.  Remember this and remember that both those levels of consciousness are expressed through the heart, communicated through the throat.  When you no longer need us we will leave you, our energy will transform into other life forms.