Delcia's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I intend to share with you anything interesting about Chakra Psychology - both my own journey and experiences and what is happening with my courses.

CP19 You are TRULY beautiful!

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This next post is a message from your Heart Chakra in respect of Beauty.  It seems whatever we say to ourselves (especially as we age) we are Beauty anyway!

I am your Heart Chakra speaking of Beauty. 

Your Beauty lies within me.  I am your heart, the place where you hold all that is dear to you.  As you consider me you can allow the free flow of all that is beautiful to come to you.  This may be a sunset, a crystal, a landscape, a face, a feeling of love for a person, a place, an animal and so on.  Whatever it is that you focus on, it will radiate from Me.  And in that moment you become Beauty itself.  It can be no other way.  For beauty radiates beauty.  And this is timeless and has nothing to do with age or the state of your physical body.  You are Beauty manifest.  I am here – here in your heart.  Be with it now and know it is yours forever. 

Heart Chakra - Artwork by Delcia McNeil - Psychotherapist, Supervisor, Mentor, Healer, Artist

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