Delcia's Blog

Welcome to my blog where I intend to share with you anything interesting about Chakra Psychology - both my own journey and experiences and what is happening with my courses.

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  1. Hello - this is my fifth blog about money and the chakras.  It's short and to the point!

    This is your throat chakra speaking in respect of money.

    How do you speak about money?  Do you speak negatively?  Do you hide the facts about your money situation?  It’s still something of a taboo in your culture, isn’t it?

    Of course right now it is important to take care around who you speak to about your financial situation.  So many others are full of fear around money and that can undermine you as you transform your thoughts and attitudes about value, wealth and money creation.

    Listen to how you speak, and if it is negative – change it!  You don’t have to be ‘pie in the sky’ or exaggerate or lie, but you can consider the word and meaning of value before you speak of money.  Notice if you sound resentful or mean or lacking – check that and change from fear to words of love and abundance.

    Remember the heart chakra too – how you speak about money affects the quality of your relationships, and therefore the opportunities for wealth creation that can come your way.  Others want to be around you when you speak positively and optimistically.

    Abundance   best wishes from  Delcia



  2. Hello!

    Welcome to the Heart Chakra's take on money.  I hope it makes your heart sing a little and recognise some of the wisdom here.  Happy giving and receiving - seems appropriate for the pre-Christmas period!

    This is your heart chakra speaking in respect of money.

    Here I simply offer you love.  If only you could love money through me you will always, simply always, have more than enough or feel comfortable with the amount you have.  But you must love yourself and be engaged in an ongoing process of expanding that love.  Just as love is limitless so is the source and flow of money.  It depends on your self love and your relationships – your love of others.

    You have no doubt heard this before, but I’ll say it again here.  When you give you receive, and you receive something greater than what you give. 

    You can enjoy a bargain, but don’t rejoice in cheapness.  Remember you are seeking value and that means honouring the seller as well as yourself, the buyer.  You are in a relationship and although your financial needs differ (they are likely to want to get the most and you are wanting to pay the least), remember that the transaction is one of considered value.  If you, the buyer, do not place as much value on the product or service as the seller then it will not be a completed transaction for you.  But you are always in a relationship and you will be able to tell whether or not the seller is coming from a place of strong fear in themselves.

    Let me (your heart chakra) be your guide in those moments and always give yourself time to consider the choices you make.  You can hold a field of love in which you and the seller are, even if they are in fear and are urging you to buy.  That field will hold you steady so your boundaries are firm for what is right for you.

    So much healing needs to take place within relationships concerning money, and when you love money as the energy of exchange of value, you can help others come out of fear.